TechTesla Model X Airbag Issue Announced, But It Will Get The Smoothest Fix: No Recall Necessary Tesla notified customers that some Model X vehicles sport an anomaly with the passenger airbag. Rather than issuing a recall, however, the company is patching things up with an OTA update this Alexandra Burlacu
TechiOS 10.2 Now Available: Here's How To Download And Install iOS 10.2 For Your iPhone, iPad Or iPodby Anu Passary
TechAmazon Kindle E-Reader Getting New Update This Month, Finally Improving Home Screen: Here's What You Getby Menchie Mendoza
TechNvidia Shield Tablet K1 Now Getting Android 6.0 Marshmallow Update, Just In Time For The Holidaysby Alexandra Burlacu
TechOnePlus 2 OxygenOS 2.2.0 Rolling Out Now: Bug Fixes, Security Patches, And Holiday Wallpapersby Anu Passary
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'