TechSamsung Galaxy S7 Might Sport Sony Xperia Z5 Camera Sensor Samsung wants its next flagship, the Galaxy S7, to come equipped with an even more powerful camera. The company is reportedly interested with the camera sensor found in the Xperia Z5 of Sony and is looking for ways to bring it to its own Menchie Mendoza
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Business TechSony Smartphones Still Struggling While PS4 Software, Sensors Lead The Charge: Fiscal 2Q 2015 Resultsby Vamien McKalin
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Tech‘Tekken 7’ Announced For PlayStation 4, PlayStation VR And Xbox One: Official Trailer Revealedby Fritz Gleyo
Tech‘Until Dawn: Rush Of Blood’ Announced For PlayStation VR: Official Screenshots Revealedby Fritz Gleyo
Culture7 PlayStation VR Games Announced At Paris Games Week, Including 'Until Dawn' And 'Tekken 7'by Robin Parrish
CultureQuantic Dream (Finally) Announces Its Next Game, And You'll Recognize Its Starby Robin Parrish