TechOrange leaks Samsung 12-inch 4096 x 2160 Ultra HD Galaxy tablet Orange was recently at an event showing off an unannounced Samsung tablet with a 12-inch 4096 x 2160 Ultra HD display. The carrier was using the mystery tablet to give a LTE broadcast James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy F (S5 Prime) with brushed metal case and possible QHD display leaksby James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy Tab S with 2560 x 1600 AMOLED display press images leak ahead of June launchby James Geddes
TechSamsung Z: World's first Tizen smartphone includes 720p HD display, fingerprint scanner and moreby James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy S5 Mini image and specs leak, revealing fingerprint scanner, heart rate sensor and moreby James Geddes
TechSamsung gets ready to tackle the wearable health market with open development platform and wristbandby Mike Lata