Video GamesNiantic to Sell 'Pokemon GO' For a Whopping $3.5 Billion—Is It Goodbye for the Gaming Division? "Pokemon GO's" days are numbered now as Niantic will set it at a huge price tag. Is the company focusing now on AI and mapping?by Jose Enrico
TechPokemon GO Allegedly Spied on Belarus Says its Ministry of Defense Official, Despite Long Pulling Out the Appby Isaiah Richard
CulturePokemon GO: November Community Day Classic is Coming, Features Mareep—What to Expectby Isaiah Richard
Culture'Pokemon Go' Only Amasses $37.4 Million in April, Lowest Monthly Total in 5 Yearsby Joseph Henry
Culture‘Pokemon GO’ Valentine's Day 2023: Here’s What to Expect on New Mega Evolutions, Shinies, and MOREby Isaiah Richard
Culture‘Pokemon GO’: How to Find Zorua in the Wild, Find the Dark-Type, Zoroark Evolution Tipsby Isaiah Richard
TechApple App Store Price Hike Affects Android, 'Pokemon GO,' Other Apps In-App Purchasesby Isaiah Richard
CultureNiantic Announces New AR Game 'Marvel World of Heroes' with Magic from Dr. Strange, Cyclops' Laser Eyes, and Moreby Urian B.
TechNiantic Layoff Affects Four New Titles! Here are the Projects Canceled by 'Pokemon GO' Developerby Griffin Davis