TechMicrosoft Shows Off New Enterprise-Class Features For Skype MIcrosoft has launched a preview of its Skype for Business, allowing Office 365 users to try out some neat beta features. As a reminder, Skype for Business replaces the previous Lync Alexandra Burlacu
ScienceMicrosoft Hololens Experiment In Space Goes Up In Smoke Following Rocket Explosionby Ted Ranosa
TechMicrosoft Lumia 940 XL Phablet Benchmark Confirms High-End Specs Of Windows 10 Mobile Phabletby James Geddes
Business TechMicrosoft Hands Over Big Chunk Of Display Ad Business To AOL: Here's What's Happeningby Nicole Arce
TechDeals With Gold Discounts Xbox One/360 Games: 'Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare,' 'Peggle 2' And Moreby Alexandra Burlacu