TechMPAA Secret Plan To Attack Google Via Media Revealed In Emails The MPAA and the Mississippi Attorney General secretly planned a campaign to attack Google via the media. The plan is described in emails revealed in Google’s current lawsuit against the Attorney James Geddes
TechSilent Circle Announces BlackPhone 2: Silent OS, Encrypted Apps, Snapdragon 615, 5.5-Inch Displayby Aaron Mamiit
TechNew Google Translate Update Includes Instant Visual Translation In 20 More Languagesby Lauren Keating
TechGoogle Is Finally Splitting Google+ Accounts From Other Services Like YouTubeby Christian de Looper
TechGoogle Eliminates Interstitial Mobile App Ads After Finding Out Users Do Not Like Themby Nicole Arce
TechDeep Dreamer Uses Google's DeepDream Code And Produces Nightmarish Images, GIFs And Videosby Quinten Plummer