Culture'Fortnite' Update 2.44 Patch Notes, Plus an Easier Way to Get the Merry Mint Pickaxe "Fortnite" update 2.44 on PS4 has arrived. Plus, how can you get the Merry Mint Pickaxe, quickly?by Nhx Tingson
Culture'Fortnite' Chapter 2 Tips: Mythic Goldfish Deals Massive Damage, Plus Worst Landing Areasby Nhx Tingson
Culture'Fortnite' Dockyard Deal Challenge: Locations of Coral Cove, Fortnite Boat Launch, and Flopper Pond Revealedby Nhx Tingson
CultureCanadian Law Firm To Sue Epic Games For 'Knowingly' Creating The 'Very, Very Addictive Game' Fortniteby Ted Ranosa