Tech'Flying Hotel That Never Lands': AI Sky Cruise Ship Will Use Nuclear Energy to Fly in Luxury An AI-guided cruise ship is said to remain suspended in the air for years without landing on the ground, thanks to its nuclear Joaquin Victor Tacla
HealthAI in Doctor-Patient Relationship Still Subject to Digital Transformation, Raises Bioethics Issuesby April Fowell
TechGoogle's 'Sentient AI' Is Like a 7-Year Old That Can Do 'Bad Things,' According to Engineerby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechOffensive Robot? Experiment Finds Flawed AI Making Racial and Gender Stereotypesby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechMicrosoft Will No Longer Allow Companies to Access its Facial Recognition Technologies | Here's Whyby Joseph Henry
SciencePhysics for AI: Venture to Help Artifical Intelligence to Make Own Discoveries, But Is It Ideal?by Isaiah Richard
TechKrafton's ANA Arrives! Here's How It Can Help the Game Publisher Establish Web 3 Ecosystemby Griffin Davis
HealthArtificial Intelligence Can Predict The 3D Structure Of Rotavirus Spike Protein That Can Solve Diarrheal Outbreaksby April Fowell