TechFrench Tax Authorities Develop an AI Software That Exposes Over 20,000 Undeclared Pools French tax authorities have developed an AI computer vision tech with the help of Google to tax undeclared Joaquin Victor Tacla
Tech'AI Fish-Identifying Gate:' This AI-Powered System Prevents The Rise of Invasive Fish Species In Waterwaysby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechNew Microsoft-ByteDance AI Project Confirmed! Here's What You Need to Know About KubeRay Programby Griffin Davis
Tech'Fish-Counting AI:' This AI-Powered System Could Help Prevent Fish Kills at Hydro Damsby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechArtificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Models Will Be Used to Protect the Great Barrier Reefby April Fowell
TechCMG Drops AI Rapper FN Meka After Major Criticisms; Clix Didn't Want Any Ties With the Digital Artist?by Griffin Davis
TechUniversity of Michigan's Professor Creates A Crime-Predicting AI That He Claims Has 80-90% Accuracyby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechDisney-Backed AI Virtual Character Creator Closes Million-Dollar Funding; Know More About Inworld AIby Griffin Davis
TechAn 'AI-Powered Hologram' Creepily Revives Dead Woman to Deliver A Speech at Her Funeralby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechEU's Artificial Intelligence Act is Moving Towards Countering the Risks and Dangers of AIby Isaiah Richard
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal