TechNvidia RTX 3000-Series' Supply Issues Could Last Longer, Huang Confirms It Could Take Months It seems like some people won't get their most-awaited RTX 3000-Series. Nvidia already confirmed that the supply issue could last longer than Giuliano J. de Leon
TechTwitch Bans Streamers for Playing 'Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity' Although It's Legally Released!by Giuliano J. de Leon
TechPS5 DualSense Controller Not Charging In Rest Mode! Here's How to Fix the Major Flawby Giuliano J. de Leon
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CulturePS5 Stock Availability: Redditor Creates Twitter Bot That Updates on Where to Buy New Console Regularlyby Isaiah Alonzo
CultureJames Bond Game Coming! Hitman Developers Upcoming 'Project 007' is the First Origin Storyby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech'Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate': Complete Guide on Mileena's Friendship, Fatalities, and Brutalitiesby CJ Robles