TechYouTube Tests New Feature Allowing Users to Buy Products Seen in Videos: New Shopping Bag Icon? YouTube is now testing out a new feature that could allow its users to shop for the products seen in the videos. New shopping bag icon?by Urian B.
TechSouth Korea AI Chatbot Gets Suspended in Facebook After Abusive and Insulting Comments Against Minoritiesby Sieeka Khan
TechSpaceX's Starlink Study: Over 50% of Web Users in the US Ready to Switch to Elon Musk's Internet Satelliteby Nikki A.
TechEuropol Confirms Shut Down of the World's Largest Dark Web Marketplace with Over 500,000 Usersby Sieeka Khan
TechTwitch Streamer Critical Bard Bombarded With Racist and Threatening Comments After PogChamp Selectionby Nhx T.
TechSignal App Co-Owner Brian Acton Comments on Controversial Policy Grappling WhatsApp—the Company He Once Co-Foundedby Urian B.
TechLawyer Mocks North Dakota Censorship Bill that Could Sue Facebook and Twitter Amid Odditiesby Urian B.
TechTim Cook at 'CBS This Morning:' What Could be Apple's 'Big Announcement'? iOs 14 Ad Privacy, Vaccine Stores, and Other Theoriesby Urian B.
TechViral TikTok Video of Woman Confronting Anti-Masker and Her Daughter Draws Mixed Reactionsby Nhx T.
TechAfter Adobe Flash Player's Official Death, Flash Content Now Blocked for Users Warning Them to Uninstall Flashby Urian B.
TechWhatsApp Clarifies Privacy Policy Change, Publishes What It Can and Can't Do After Updateby Nhx T.
TechFacebook, WhatsApp Privacy Changes: Turkish Competition Board Investigates New Policy, Is Signal Better?by Giuliano J. de Leon