CultureNew 'Hearthstone' Exploit Skips Opponent's Turn: Here Are The Journey To Un'Goro Cards Involved It has been less than a week since Blizzard released the Journey to Un'Goro expansion for 'Hearthstone,' but an exploit has already been found. Will Blizzard issue a fix any time soon?by Aaron Mamiit
CulturePokémon GO Still Going Strong: 65 Million Monthly Players, Co-Op Gameplay Coming Soonby Aaron Mamiit
CultureIt Took Only A Week To Port ‘Snake Pass’ To The Nintendo Switch: Why This Mattersby Carl Velasco
CultureTekken 7 Release For PlayStation 4, Xbox One, And PC Draws Near: Here's What We Knowby Aaron Mamiit
CultureWill 'Overwatch' Be Released For Nintendo Switch? Difficult But Not Impossible, Game Director Saysby Aaron Mamiit
CultureNintendo NES Classic Edition And Nintendo Switch Limited Availability Are Frustrating Gamers: How And Where Can You Buy Oneby Vincent Lanaria
CultureXbox Project Scorpio vs. PlayStation 4 Pro vs. Xbox One S: Which Console Should You Buy?by Aaron Mamiit
CultureXbox Project Scorpio Games Missing From Specs Reveal: Microsoft Needs Great Titles For Console To Succeedby Aaron Mamiit
CultureXbox Scorpio vs. PlayStation 4 Pro: Which Is More Powerful? Let The Inevitable Console Wars Beginby Carl Velasco
CultureGearbox, G2A Deal Over 'Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition' Collector's Box In Danger: Here's What's Happeningby Aaron Mamiit