First 'Far Cry 5' Trailer Takes Us To the Isolated Frontiers Of Montana

Ubisoft has unveiled the first teaser trailer for the upcoming Far Cry 5, which welcomes us to "Hope County, Montana."

The Trailer

The trailer doesn't give us much to go on in terms of story or gameplay, but it does give us a sense of how isolated Hope County is. Aside from a small church in the midst of a vast field, there are no signs of civilization.

The Leak

While the trailer leaves us with little information regarding the game's plot, it does match up with a recent leak on Reddit where a poster, hiding under a throwaway account, divulged some information regarding the game's plot. The user claimed he had played an early build of the game last year at a focus group in a "major metropolitan area."

The user claimed the game focused on the player's attempts to escape from an isolated religious community ruled by a doomsday ideology.

"The general thrust of this game is that it will take place in present day, and feature the protagonist taking on a Jim Jones or David Koresh-like religious cult in a small town in Montana that's been populated by, essentially, Doomsday-preppers bent on furthering their cause," said the poster. "So, modern-day weaponry and modern-day vehicles, plus a hilly, mountainous backdrop. Honestly, it sounded at the time like they were using that to their advantage, given that when you think of Far Cry you kind of think of mountains and hills and the kind of backdrop Montana has in spade."

One of the only signs of human life found in the trailer was a small church standing in the middle of a field and the Reddit user mentioned a church in his discussion of the game.

"They showed us some basic promotional videos featuring a heavily - HEAVILY - religious angle to the evil," said the poster. "A person (presumably the protagonist) walking through a town that was completely empty, only to walk into a church to discover the congregation is made up of everyone in town staring in rapt attention at a shirtless lunatic leader brandishing an assault rifle in one hand and a Bible in the other."

Given that the source of the above leak is an anonymous poster on an internet forum, everything should be taken with a grain of salt. That being said, it does fit with the general theme of what we see in the trailer.

That being said, it's always possible that the game could go in a completely different direction. One obvious scenario would be a Wild West setting.

Check out the trailer for yourself and let us know what you think.

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