CultureWill Batman Appear In 'Suicide Squad'? New Rumor Suggests So 'Suicide Squad' shows up in theaters just five months after 'Batman v. Superman.' With all those Bat-villains gathered in one flick, might the Dark Knight himself put in appearance? A new report may have the Robin Parrish
Culture'Arrow' Comes Face-To-Face With 'The ATOM' in Episode 17 'Suicidal Tendencies'by Vamien McKalin
Culture'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Will Be More Realistic And Edgy Than 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'by Vamien McKalin
Culture'Suicide Squad': David Ayer Calls Jared Leto's Joker 'Majestic' - Big Reveal Todayby Vamien McKalin
Culture'Focus': Review Round-up Of Will Smith's First Decent Film Since 'After Earth'by Vamien McKalin
Culture'Suicide Squad': Harley Quinn Says Movie Will Have Similar Tone To 'Dark Knight'by Vamien McKalin
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'