Healthy Living/WellnessBodybuilders Are Slurping Breast Milk To Build Muscle But Is It A Good Idea? The belief that breast milk can boost muscle building is wrong and the practice is unhealthy given potential for bacteria and disease, experts say. There is no scientific evidence that breast milk can do the adult body Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessAmino Acids in Protein Can Be Assembled Without DNA and mRNA: Studyby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessNew leukemia T-cell therapy leads to remarkable remission ratesby James Maynard
ScienceHumans are more closely related to flies and worms than previously thought, genome studes suggestby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessScientists closer to understanding development of neuron connections, implications for autismby Tina Shah
Healthy Living/WellnessNew protein may play a part in Alzheimer's disease, claims new researchby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessLack of smell and excess protein in eyes may indicate development of Alzheimer'sby Tina Shah
Healthy Living/WellnessWatercress tops powerhouse fruit, veggie list; time to slice crust off white breadby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessBullying triggers protein level spike that may play into adult-related health issues, says studyby Judy Mottl