DNA confirms what song differences suggest; a species of thrush in India and China is, in fact, two distinct species. The song of the forest thrushes is much more musical than that of their mountaintop counterparts, researchers note.
A misstep in cell development involving a protein may be where cells 'go wrong' to become cancerous, researchers say. It happens as a cell changes from a stem-cell-like unspecialized state to a specialized one, they suggest.
Surgical anesthesia is not seen as causing any mild cognitive impairment later in life, even in patients 40 years of age and older, researchers say. A Mayo Clinic study followed 1,700 people aged 70 to 89, all of whom had undergone at least one surgery.
Organization that helps poor countries with vaccination programs promises to buy Ebola vaccine that's under development. Trials with the vaccine in Africa showed it to be successful.
The complexity of synapses in the human brain is greater than had been thought, researchers say. That complexity provides memory capacity far above what was previously estimated, they say.
Five planets – Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury – will star in a celestial lineup. To be visible through February, the alignment is the first of such in 10 years.
A study finds families feel dying loved ones got more appropriate treatment with hospice care than in a hospital ICU. Treatment meant to give comfort over aggressively treating terminal cancer provided better end-of-life quality, families say.
Official total fish catch numbers being reported to a U.N. agency are too low, a study suggests. Actual figures are at levels that may risk exhaustion of global fish stocks, researchers suggest.
The amount of man-made heat in the oceans has doubled in just 20 years. Twice of what we've experienced 150 years ago. The warming is also reaching deeper into the world's seas, they say.
A wireless sensor that dissolves when its job is done helps patients avoid the need for additional surgery needed to remove current devices, researchers say. The tiny device is just one millimeter in size.
Studies confirm the importance of omega-3 essential fatty acids in brain development. Better brain function is seen in children of moms who included significant amounts of fish in their diets, researchers say.
Edible zinnia flowers blooming on the ISS suggest a future of edible produce available for space missions, NASA scientists said. The effort helps scientists understand how plants can grow and bloom in microgravity.
Frozen mammoth carcass unearthed in the Arctic Circle shows signs of being hunted by humans, researchers say. That put humans in the Arctic much earlier than scientists had thought, they explain.
Supernova shining with the light of 570 billion suns is the brightest ever observed. The massive supernova challenges theories about how giant stars die, researchers say.
Infants 6 months old and younger can still be exposed to risks from medications, study finds. Incorrect dosing by parents or caregivers is one source of risk.
Toxic chemicals known as PCBs are found in high levels in orcas, dolphins and porpoises around Europe. The chemical can interfere with breeding, putting European populations of marine mammals at risk of extinction, researchers say.
The newest images from the Dawn spacecraft orbiting the tiny world are revealing new insights into intriguing 'bright spots.' Photos were snapped at the closest distance yet, researchers say.
Transcendental meditation can reduce the need for medications to treat post-traumatic stress disorder, researchers report. Army clinic finds the technique can help active-duty personnel reduce the symptoms of PTSD.
Remarkably well-preserved ancient dwellings are a window into everyday Bronze Age life, researchers say. Five circular houses making up the settlement are dated to 1,000 to 800 B.C.
By 'fertilizing' ocean waters as they melt, icebergs may be helping slow down climate change. Large plankton blooms that grow in an iceberg's wake can absorb and store carbon, researchers explain.
Children's cough syrups being sold with incorrectly marked dosage cups are being recalled. Two flavors of cough syrup sold nationwide are involved in the voluntary recall.
An anomaly in data from particle collisions in the Large Hadron Collider has researchers scratching their heads. Is this evidence of new particles that could turn the Standard Model of Physics on its head?
Younger patients underestimate the seriousness of stroke symptoms and may delay getting to a hospital, a survey shows. Many say they would wait to see if symptoms improved, a decision doctors say is dangerous.
A new supercomputer dubbed 'Cheyenne' will help unravel mysteries of climate change and other earth science subjects. The new machine will replace an existing supercomputer at the University of Wyoming.
Researchers have developed a new material that could be used in self-warming clothing or for melting ice on car windshields. The simple polymer film stores the sun's energy in a chemical state.
As deaths from heart disease decline, cancer becomes the leading cause of death in many states. However, cancer death rates are dropping overall, driven largely by a reduction in the number smokers in the US.
Single mothers are the most sleep-deprived group of people in the U.S., a survey finds. And women in general in all kinds of familes are more likeley than men to report sleep problems, researchers say.
Scrape marks in ancient rocks suggest male dinosaurs 'danced' to impress potential mates, researchers say. Marks in 100-million-year-old Colorado rocks suggest dinosaurs had mating behaviors similar to their bird descendants.
Neanderthal DNA helped evolve the modern human immune system, researchers suggest. However, it may have made some people more prone to allergies, they say.
Long hours looking at display screens can fatigue the eyes, a survey confirms. The problem is worse for people who multitask with multiple screens.