TechNew Microsoft 'Emulator' Portal Lets You Try Out Windows 10 Without Actually Installing Microsoft launched a new emulator portal that allows users to try out Windows 10 before they decide to upgrade. Users will be able to navigate and see how they can get things done in Windows 10 using the Menchie Mendoza
CultureMicrosoft's Caption Bot Is Pretty Sure 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Stars Fire Hydrantsby Cameron Koch
Tech'Minecraft: Education Edition' Arrives In June With Free Early Access Program For Teachersby Diya Sen
TechMicrosoft AI CaptionBot Figures Out What's Going On In Your Photos (Most Of The Time)by Alexandra Burlacu
TechMicrosoft Word Flow Keyboard For iOS Enters Closed Beta Testing, Packing Sweet Featuresby Alexandra Burlacu
CultureA New Version Of The Xbox One Could Be Coming This Summer, According To Latest Rumorby Cameron Koch
TechMicrosoft Will Give You $150 Off For A Lumia 950 Or Lumia 950 XL When You Trade In Lumia 1020, 925 Or 920by Aaron Mamiit
TechPS4 To Hit 69 Million Units Sold By 2019, Xbox One To Max Out At 39 Million: Reportby Sumit Passary
Culture'Quantum Break' Becomes Microsoft's Most Successful IP Since Release Of Xbox Oneby Robin Burks