TechSamsung Galaxy S6 Spurs Strong Sales For Android, LG Soars, HTC and Motorola Lag: Analyst Android’s fortunes are on the rise thanks to strong sales from Samsung and LG, according to a new report. HTC and Motorola are lagging behind in smartphone sales, James Geddes
TechRumors Say 5.3-Inch LG Nexus 5 (2015) With Android M Might Be Set For August Releaseby Nicole Arce
TechLG G3: No Android 5.1 Lollipop Update To Fix 5.0 Problems, May Go Straight To Android Mby James Geddes
TechLG G4 Pro To Sport Snapdragon 820 Chip, 4GB RAM, 5.8-Inch Display, 27MP Camera: Rumorby Alexandra Burlacu