TechFuture iPhones Could Have Glowing Apple Logo As Notification Light Apple fans could finally see a glowing Apple logo on future iPhone models. The tech company recently filed a patent application for new technology that would turn the iconic rear-facing Apple logo into a notification Ted Ranosa
TechiOS 13, iPadOS Have A Security Flaw That Gives Third-Party Keyboards Full Access To Your iPhone, iPadby Vincent Lanaria
TechiOS 13's Must-Try Features: Low Data Mode, Optimized Battery Charging, And Moreby Vincent Lanaria
TechWhat Is Trypophobia And Why Some People Are Bothered With The iPhone 11’s Design?by Maui Hermitanio
TechApple Criticizes Google Researchers For 'Stoking Fear' With Their iPhone Hack Reportby Vincent Lanaria
TechApple Rumored To Reopen Its Fifth Avenue NYC Store To Celebrate iPhone 11 Launchby Vincent Lanaria