TechGoogle leaks Samsung Galaxy S5 Google Play Edition on Play Store There were rumors the Samsung Galaxy S5 would be added as a Google Play Edition smartphone in the near future and now an image of the handset turned up on the Google Play James Geddes
Car TechGoogle self-driving cars are now less dangerous on roads, thanks to improved sensorsby Joseph Mayton
Car TechDriverless cars hitting fast lane? Google now test-driving on city streetsby Michael McEnaney
TechRIP net neutrality? FCC backs new rules that permit pay-based Internet 'fast lane'by Joseph Mayton
TechGoogle Glass goes on sale again briefly for select customers - Shuts down shortly thereafterby Malarie Gokey
TechTake that Google! AT&T GigaPower will bring super-fast Gigabit fiber network to 100 US citiesby Joseph Mayton