CultureBlizzard Wants To Patent The 'Overwatch' Play Of The Game Feature: Smart Move? Blizzard wants to patent the 'Overwatch' Play of the Game, which is a feature that once received many complaints during the early days of the multiplayer shooter. The patent filing dives into deep detail over the 'Overwatch' POTG Aaron Mamiit
CultureSouth Korean 'Overwatch' Hacker Sentenced To 1 Year In Prison: Why Did He Get Jail Time?by Aaron Mamiit
CultureBlizzard Prohibits 'Overwatch' Team Fusion University From Wearing Their 'FU' Jerseys Onstageby Ron Caraos
CultureDestiny 2 Will Be Getting A New Game Mode In Fall That's 'A Whole New Style Of Play'by Jean-Pierre Chigne
CultureMassive Symmetra Rework Coming Soon: Here's How Much The 'Overwatch' Hero Will Changeby Aaron Mamiit
CultureMassive 'Overwatch' PTR Update: New Hanzo Skill, Major Changes To Other Heroes, Rialto Map, And Many Moreby Aaron Mamiit