Hanzo Rework Now Online In 'Overwatch': Who's Next?

The latest Overwatch update rolls out the long-awaited Hanzo rework, alongside other changes and additions to the massively popular multiplayer shooter.

The Hanzo nerf was first released to the Overwatch PTR, but Blizzard has now pushed out the update to the main game. Now that the Hanzo rework is done, who are the heroes that will be seeing changes next?

New 'Overwatch' Update: Scatter Arrow Removed, New Map Released

Last month, an Overwatch PTR update introduced the Hanzo rework that most players were clamoring for. Hanzo's Scatter Arrow, which has long been a problem for being able to take down tanks with just one shot, was replaced with Storm Arrow. The new skill is still capable of dealing massive damage quickly, but not as unfair as Scatter Arrow. Hanzo was also given Lunge, a skill that allows him to leap horizontally while in the air.

The new Overwatch update finally brings the new Hanzo into the game, but there are other contents for the patch.

Another major addition with the update is a new Overwatch map named Rialto. If it looks familiar, it is because the nighttime version of the map was used for the recently concluded Retribution, this year's version of the annual Overwatch Archives event. Rialto is an Escort version of the map, which has been adapted for the main game.

Next 'Overwatch' Hero Changes

The new patch actually introduces other Overwatch hero changes. The cone angle of Brigitte's Shield Bash was reduced, the hitbox size of Genji's Deflect was reduced, and Junkrat saw Frag Launcher's projectile size and RIP-Tire's movement speed decrease. Lucio's Wall Ride can now go around corners, and Tracer received her first ever nerf with reduced damage for her Pulse Bomb.

What the update did not include, however, is the previously reported Symmetra rework. Unlike Hanzo, who only saw one skill replaced, Symmetra will be undergoing an overhaul. Her Teleporter skill, which will no longer be her ultimate, will be able to transport things such as Junkrat's RIP-Tire and D.Va's exploding mech. Symmetra's new ultimate will be her Photon Barrier, which will create a massive shield around an area.

Meanwhile, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan already has his eyes set on changes for two particular heroes, namely Brigitte and Ana. Brigitte, who ushered back the tank meta due to support skills, may see a nerf to her Rally ultimate that will bring down the armor boost from 150 to 100. The possible tweaks to Ana, meanwhile, were not specified, but Kaplan revealed that they had to create new technology for the planned changes.

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