Earth/EnvironmentFog Harvesting: Scientists Develop New Tech That Can Turn Fog into Water For Drought-Stricken Areas Researchers in Chile are using fog-harvesting tech to turn air moisture into water, offering a game-changing solution for drought-stricken Jose Enrico
Earth/EnvironmentTitan Submersible's Final Moments Caught on Audio—Chilling Recording Releasedby Jose Enrico
Earth/EnvironmentWhy Snowflakes Are Unique: The Science of Crystallization, Can It Predict Rainfall?by Jose Enrico
Earth/EnvironmentPurple Diamonds in Space?! New Tech Could Change Deep Space Exploration Foreverby Jose Enrico
Earth/EnvironmentEarth's Largest Iceberg, A23a, Is On the Move Again; Scientists to Study Its Effects on Ecosystemby Isaiah Richard
Earth/EnvironmentScientists Develop New Laser Tech That Could Wipe Out Land Mines—And Save Livesby Jose Enrico
Earth/EnvironmentTommy Stanek of Graceful Management Systems Helps Construction Industry Go Green Using Automated Resource Managementby Carl Williams
Earth/EnvironmentSS United States to be Sunk Intentionally to Improve Marine Life with Artificial Reef, Tourismby Isaiah Richard
ScienceGoogle Invests $10M to Direct-Air Capture Technology From Holocene, Expanding Its Green Campaignby Isaiah Richard
ScienceHyOrc Engine to Transform Heavy-Duty Vehicles and Equipment by Making Zero-Emission Hydrogen Mobility a Realityby Carl Williams
ScienceHow Ancient Ocean Crises Shaped Earth's Evolution: A Deep Dive Into Mass Extinctionsby Joseph Henry
ScienceA 2,492 Carat Diamond Found in Botswana, Africa; The Largest in Over a Centuryby Isaiah Richard