TechUS Claims Google Gives Facebook Unfair Advertising Advantage, Preventing FB Getting Into Adtech Area The United States accuses Google of providing Facebook with an unfair advertising advantage. The company is doing this to prevent FB from going into an adtech Giuliano J. de Leon
TechGoogle AI Researchers Want Timnit Gebru to Come Back at Higher Position Among Other Demandsby Urian B.
TechBoring Company's 'Vegas Loop' Gets Approval for Tesla Ten-Mile-Long Run, But Not Time to Cheer Yetby Isaiah Alonzo
TechCalifornia Fines Uber with $59 Million After Refusing to Hand Over Assault Data as Company Argues Anonymity for Victimsby Urian B.
TechFTC Orders Explanation from Big Tech Companies on What They Do with User Data Shortly After Facebook's Antitrust Violationsby Urian B.
TechSamsung S20 Series Not Available in T-Mobile's Store; Could S21 be the Reason?by Giuliano J. de Leon
TechWaterproof iPhone Not True? Italy Fines Apple for Misleading Claims and Rejecting Fix Under Warrantyby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechSteam Games Autumn Best Deals 2020: Black Friday PC Deals for 'Death Stranding', 'Among Us,' and More!by Urian B.