Could This Be The Next 'Sims 4' Stuff Pack?

Electronic Arts just launched The Sims 4 Spa Day game pack last week, but of course fans of the franchise are always wondering what new objects and gameplay will be added next. A new listing for an unannounced Sims 4 bundle may provide some clues.

Amazon Canada has a listing for a game from EA titled "The Sims 4 Outdoor Retreat Cool Kitchen Bundle English Only," The Sims blog SimsVIP first reported. Outdoor Retreat was the first game pack to be released for The Sims 4 in January, so it looks like this could be a bundle featuring this game pack as well as a Cool Kitchen Stuff pack, which has not been announced by EA yet.

The page previously listed a retail price of $29.99 Canadian dollars for the bundle as well as a release date of October 20, 2015. However, that information has now been removed from the listing, which now says the item is "Currently unavailable."

The screenshot below shows the original listing.

As you can see from the screenshot, there are no images attached to the listing, which is probably because EA has yet to announce any upcoming stuff packs for The Sims 4, so a Cool Kitchen Stuff pack is still unconfirmed. There is no listing for the game on the American Amazon website. We'll just have to wait and see if this will in fact be the next stuff pack for the game.

However, The Sims 4 is scheduled to make an appearance at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany next month, so it's possible EA could announce any new stuff, game or expansion packs for The Sims 4 then.

Two stuff packs for The Sims 4 have already been released. The Sims 4 Luxury Party Stuff launched in May and The Sims 4 Perfect Patio Stuff became available in June.

Earlier this month, it was rumored that the first Sims 4 bundle would arrive at the end of July, according to another Sims blog called Sims Community. This bundle, which has also not been officially announced by EA but has been available for pre-order through some European online retailers, is said to feature the Spa Day game pack as well as the Luxury Party Stuff and Perfect Patio Stuff packs.

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