Pokémon GO Adds 23 New Generation 3 Pokémon To Mobile Game

Niantic has released a plethora of new third generation Pokémon from the Hoenn region to its popular mobile title, Pokémon GO.

The developer announced that players will be getting 23 new Pokémon. Unfortunately, the company did not reveal exactly what time they’ll see the creatures in-game but previous updates could be an indicator. Previously, Pokémon have been added around 4 p.m. EST (1 p.m. PST).

The 23 creatures may not sound like a lot, but included in the bunch are some fan favorites. The monsters added come from the Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire video games.

From the Pokémon GO Live blog post, we can see that the theme for this update is rock and ground-type Pokémon. In the image, viewers will see Flygon, Aggron, Cacnea, Lunatone, Solrock, Trapinch, Aron, Whismur, Camerupt, and the legendary Groudon. The latter unfortunately looks like it is leaving as it is walking away from the group shot.

Check out the image in the picture below.

Generation 3 Pokémon

Generation three Pokémon made its way to the mobile game with a small rollout of ghost-type during Halloween. This was followed by a bigger release of 50 more Pokémon in December and 20 water and ice-type during Christmas.

The arrival of these new Pokémon will bring the total generation three monsters to 100.

With all these new creatures, this leaves only 35 left from generation three. There are a few from previous generations to be revealed for the mobile game including Mew, Celebi, and Smeargle.

Legendary Pokémon And Events

The Hoenn legendary Pokémon were also added with Groudon and Kyogre. The latter was revealed to arrive in the game in mid-December, which explains why Groudon looks to be leaving.

Groudon's arrival can only be attained through a Raid Battle at gyms. The legendary monster will remain in the mobile game until Jan. 15. The other legendary will be available to grab in Raid Battle until Feb. 14.

Meanwhile, this news comes right after the reveal that an all-new Pokémon GO community day event is coming. The event kicked off last weekend and gave gamers a chance to grab a surfing Pikachu. The next community day will arrive Feb. 24 and will feature Dratini with a special Dragon-type move.

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