How 'The Walking Dead' Snuck In A Cameo Of Johnny Depp In 'Not Tomorrow Yet'

AMC's The Walking Dead just delivered another killer episode on Sunday night and Greg Nicotero, the director of the episode, "Not Tomorrow Yet," revealed that they even had a celebrity Easter egg hidden in a very pivotal scene.

Needless to say, possible spoilers below if you have not yet seen the latest episode of Rick and company on The Walking Dead.

"Not Tomorrow Yet" features a lot of severed heads, even for The Walking Dead standards. What many viewers probably missed though was that one of those heads was actually a well-known Hollywood celebrity: Johnny Depp.

That's right, although the actor himself probably didn't know that he made a small screen cameo on the zombie series, the production needed to produce some high-quality decapitated heads quickly so they used whatever head mold stocks they had on hand. One of those molds happened to be of Depp, according to Nicotero.

"I think we had sculpted an emaciated version of a dummy head for something and we used Johnny Depp's head as a basis just for a clay sculpt," he told Entertainment Weekly.

And that's not all. Even Nicotero's head was also one of the severed noggin's that were lined up in a row. And his even got the extra special treatment of being punched in the face by Andrew Lincoln, who plays Rick.

"Fortunately, there was no psychic connection with me and the head so I didn't feel the punch in the nose," he said about filming that scene.

The work on the severed heads was crafted so well that even Norman Reedus asked if he could keep them after filming for the episode had wrapped up. Nicotero told him he had to wait until the photo was logged for the shoot.

We can't help but picture the emaciated head of Johnny Depp sitting on Reedus' shelf as part of his macabre collection. Right beside a very gruesome The Walking Dead pop-up book perhaps.

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