The Dead Are Inside And Pouring Out Of 'The Walking Dead' Pop-Up Book

One of the most memorable shots from the first episode of “The Walking Dead” was when Rick Grimes, newly awakened from his coma, wanders around the hospital in shambles and comes across a door with the message scrawled across it: Don't Open, Dead Inside. The same warning applies to "The Walking Dead: Pop-Up Book" but it's one that fans will definitely not want to heed.

Though just five pages long, the book is every bit bloody and gory inside. Designed by paper engineers David Hawcock and Becca Zerkin, it features some of the series' best Walker moments as paper pop-ups.

Peek inside the head of a decaying Walker that ominously reaches out for your brains if you get too close to the book and you'll see rotting flesh, bloodshot eyeballs and other nasty bits that you could never see in such detail on the small screen. Just make sure you don't scream loud enough for the neighbors to call 911.

Sally Elizabeth Jackson illustrated all the artwork in the book, which is authored by SD Perry and published by Insight Editions.

Selected scenes depicted include some of the most well-known Walkers from the show, Bicycle Girl, as she reaches out from the borders of the page, threatening to rip the flesh off the reader, and the Well Walker. The prison where Team Grimes were holed up before The Governor showed up is also present, as well as The Governor's “man cave" where he was keeping a collection of severed Walker heads in aquarium tanks and hiding his daughter-turned-walker.

The book also contains notes and annotations about the zombies on the show, what's going on in the scene on each page, over 20 unique pop-up components, and other facts and activities that make it worth the nearly $40 price tag on Amazon.

While the TV show and original graphic novel series might have warned you that the dead await inside, this artfully made zombie pop-up book warns of graphic scenes of gore and violence inside.

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