"Dragon Ball Super" is the newest anime in the long-running series, but unlike the original take runs, this new version is lacking. Furthermore, the writer of the manga, Akira Toriyama, is not pleased with the performance of the series.
It is understandable why Toriyama is not pleased with what he is seeing because "Dragon Ball Super" in its current form is terrible when compared to the likes of "One-Punch Man" and other hot anime series ongoing right now. The show suffers from bad animation and an old story, something we have seen before in the recent movies.
"Inside, I've been upset at 'Dragon Ball' in the past, as well as the live-action film that came later," said Toriyama. He continued, "I've revised the script for the anime film, and I've complained about the quality of the TV anime. Maybe someday it'll be a work that I'll like so much that I won't be able to leave it alone."
For those who are unaware, the live-action film he's talking about is called "Dragonball Evolution," and it is probably one of the most terrible movies ever made. It's a movie that is far from what "Dragon Ball Z" is all about, and was directed by James Wong.
We're glad Toriyama is working on refining the script of the new anime series because, in its current form, the show is a mess. We can say for sure that after the 27th episode, things have gotten better with the 28th. This is the first episode that was not taken directly from the films, and it brings a breath of fresh air.
Here, we have a new threat from the 6th dimension in the form of Champa, God of Destruction and twin brother of Beerus, God of Destruction from the 7th Universe. In many ways, Champa is not exactly a threat since he's not planning to destroy anything. All he wants is to switch places with Beerus to become the new God of Destruction of the 7th Universe.
His reason for this is because Earth in the 7th Universe is a planet with great food. Earth in the 6th Universe is basically a world with little life. From what we've come to understand, humans are extinct due to war, and now Earth is a barren place.