DC Comics gets into the LEGO spirit with variant covers in November

DC Comics has been on a variant cover kick all year long. Every month of 2014, the publisher has released variants on its titles, with each month getting its own theme. The content inside the comics is the same as the regular covers, but these variants are special editions for collectors and curious buyers.

January was Scribblenauts month, February was themed around steampunk, March had "Robot Chicken" covers, April celebrated MAD Magazine, May honored Mike Allred's "Batman '66" art style, June featured female bombshells, July had a series of covers celebrating Batman's 75th anniversary, August is following the "selfie" craze, September's covers will have 3D lenticular motion and October goes all Halloween with monster variants based on General Mills' cereals (Boo Berry, Count Chocula, etc.).

As part of the festivities surrounding the release of LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, November is LEGO month at DC Comics, with 22 titles getting LEGO variant covers. DC has spread the love around the Internet today, showing off each variant cover on a number of websites and blogs. The covers depict LEGO Minifigures tearing through the comic book pages, bursting into the real world.

Here's the full list of comic books getting LEGO variants, as well as links to where you can see them.

Action Comics #36 [cover]
Aquaman #36 [cover]
Batgirl #36 [cover]
Batman #36 [cover]
Batman & Robin #36 [cover]
Batman/Superman #16 [cover]
Catwoman #36 [cover]
Detective Comics #36 [cover]
The Flash #36 [cover]
Harley Quinn #12 [cover]
Grayson #4 [cover]
Green Lantern #36 [cover]
Green Lantern Corps #36 [cover]
Justice League United #6 [cover]
Justice League #36 [cover]
Justice League Dark #36 [cover]
New Teen Titans #4
Sinestro #7 [cover]
Supergirl #36 [cover]
Superman #36 [cover]
Superman/Wonder Woman #13 [cover]
Wonder Woman #36 [cover]

Here's the trailer for LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, to give you a taste of what's to come.

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