Culture'Captain America: Civil War': Avengers Rosters On Both Sides Revealed When 'Captain America: Civil War' hits next year, Cap and Iron Man will both lead a team of Avengers, each dedicated to separate ideologies. A new inside report claims to know both Robin Parrish
CultureNew Documentary Tells The Story Behind Roger Corman's Doomed 'Fantastic Four' Movieby Robin Parrish
CultureInterview: 'John Flood' Writer Justin Jordan Talks Creator-Owned Comics And The Expansion Into His Own Dream Worldby Lauren Keating
CultureNew 'Fantastic Four' Clip Shows The Superheroes Hanging Out With A Supervillianby Laura Rosenfeld
CultureEmpire Magazine Reveals New Details About 'Batman v. Superman' And 'Suicide Squad'by Robin Parrish