TechMicrosoft Debuts Pluton Chip to Help Improve Security | BitLocker, Windows Hello, and System Guard Microsoft is debuting its very own Pluton Chip planning to improve their units' security. Learn more about this chip-to-cloud Urian B.
TechGoogle Releases Security Patch For Android Bug That Stop Users From Contacting 911 | List of Affected Devicesby Joseph Henry
TechZoom Wants to Make the Digital World Safer, Joins Meta and Others to Fight Global Online Terrorismby Thea Felicity
TechiPhone Apps: How to Check What Private Information Your iPhone Apps are Accessingby Sophie Webster
TechBanks and Telecom Giants are Pushing ‘Voice Print’ Authentication Amidst Growing Security Risks, But Will it Succeed?by Thea Felicity
TechKryptowire Collaborates with Orange and Uncovers Major Vulnerabilities in Mobile Devices at Scaleby Jessel Thomas
TechGoogle Chromebook to Release New Feature that Detects if 'Someone is Looking at Your Screen' | Snooping Detectionby Urian B.