TechGoogle ClusterFuzzlite to Help Experts Find Vulnerabilities Earlier | Features, Supported Services, and More Google has released its ClusterFuzzLite tool which is based on the previous ClusterFuzz open-source program. Read to find out more about this newest security Joseph Henry
TechIntel to End DirectX 12 Support For Haswell CPUs Due to a Potential Security Issueby Joseph Henry
TechTrend Micro Evaluated as Having the Highest Score in Current Offering Category in XDR Evaluationby Jessel Thomas
TechApple Bug Bounty Program Frustrates Participating Security Experts: Payment Confusion, Poor Communication, and Other Issuesby Griffin Davis
HealthDigital Vaccination Proof Now Being Considered by Google, Samsung, and Apple But Could Spark Security Concernsby Griffin Davis
TechMicrosoft Discovers New Morse Code Phishing Attack: Cybersecurity Experts Confirm It is Effectiveby Griffin Davis
TechChrome Android Incognito Mode Adds Extra Layer of Security | PIN, Face Unlock, or Fingerprint Accessby Urian B.
Tech1Password Raises Up to $100 Million Funding from $2 Billion Valuation for Enterprise Expansionby Urian B.
TechApple Safari 14.1.2 update for MacOS Catalina and Mojave Specs | Improved Security as iOS 14.7 Comes Outby Urian B.