ScienceArduino Makes 'Light Painting' Using LEDs | How Does Light Painting Work? Arduino is making "light painting" through the use of LEDs. Learn how this works. Geometric chuck was a particular device that stacked up a number of rotating wheels which vary in speed and their offset to a particular central Urian B.
ScienceBoston Dynamics vs. BTS: Robot Challenges Kpop Boy Group to a Dance-Off in Viral Videoby Sophie Webster
TechZume's Pizza Robots is Transitioned to Make Compostable Packaging in Move for Cleaner Wasteby Sophie Webster
TechExperts Warn About Autonomous 'Killer Robots'--NGOs, Human Rights Groups Want to Ban Them After the Libyan Conflictby Joseph Henry
ScienceHuman Brains Can Quickly Adapt Using an Extra Robotic 'Third Thumb,'Experts Say [STUDY]by Joseph Henry
ScienceMedieval Robots Created as Early as the 12th-Century! Here's What The Earliest Machines Could Doby Urian B.
ScienceIndustrial Robots in High Demand as Companies Face Difficulties in Warehouse Workby Sophie Webster
ScienceRobots in Blue-Collar Work and How Humans Take Part in the Growing Shadow Workforceby Sieeka Khan
TechSphere-Shaped Probe DAEDALUS Looks Forward to Explore Lunar Caves, Which Are Not Yet Exploredby Joen Coronel
TechThis Robot Modifies its Body Based on a Particular Terrain - Shape-Shifting from Grass to Concrete is Possible!by Joen Coronel
TechBionaut Robots Can Now Be Used to Attack Brain Tumors; Tiny Devices Can Surpass Surgical Drillingby Joen Coronel
TechHybrid Robot Can Now Hear Using Dead Locust's Ear, Can Move Upon Interpreting Soundsby Joen Coronel