ScienceShapeshifting Microrobots Can Solve the Mundane Task of Brushing and Flossing Soon A robot may soon be able to brush and floss your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth are important, but it's one of the most mundane tasks you need to do every April Fowell
TechRobotic Arms With Brain-Machine Interface Can Help People With Arm Paralysisby Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechOffensive Robot? Experiment Finds Flawed AI Making Racial and Gender Stereotypesby Joaquin Victor Tacla
ScienceScientists Coated a Robot in Living Skin, Plans to Incorporate Blood Cells, Sweat Glands, and Hair Follicles Underwayby April Fowell
TechRobot Crabs: Northwestern Engineers Invent the World's Tiniest Remote-Controlled Robots!by Joaquin Victor Tacla