TechSenators Call for Investigation on YouTube's Targeted Ads for Kids Yet Again Senators have asked for a probe into possible violations of child safety and privacy legislation as a result of concerns raised in the Adalytic's report concerning YouTube's inappropriately targeted adverts on children's Fei Ruby
TechSecret Search Warrant Issued to Investigate Donald Trump’s Twitter Data, Unsealed Court Documents Revealby Fei Ruby
TechiOS 17 Expected to Launch with Eight Privacy and Security Upgrades: Here's What You Need to Knowby Urian B.
TechYour Phone Could Be Eavesdropping on You: Here's How to Stop Apps From Invading Your Privacyby Joseph Henry
TechWindows 11 Snipping Tool Privacy Flaw 'Apocalypse' Results in Cropped Images Exposed Through Bugby Urian B.
TechGoogle Agrees to Settle Two Privacy Lawsuits for $29 Million Over Location Tracking Practicesby Inno Flores