TechUS Lawmaker Calls For Investigation Into FaceApp Privacy And Security Concerns U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer has urged the FBI and the FTC to investigate FaceApp for possible privacy and security concerns. He claims that the app exposes millions of Americans to cybersecurity Ted Ranosa
TechGoogle To Add A New Feature That Auto-Deletes Your Location History, Web And App Activityby Vincent Lanaria
TechFacebook Has 'Unintentionally Uploaded' Email Contacts Of 1.5M New Users Since May 2016by Vincent Lanaria
TechGoogle Knows Where You Are, Even If You Turn Off Location History: Here's How To Stop Itby Aaron Mamiit
TechSmartphones Listening To Conversations? Researchers Discover Another Way Of Spying On Users Insteadby Aaron Mamiit
TechFacebook Bug Temporarily Unblocked People On The Social Network: 800,000 Users Affectedby Aaron Mamiit
CultureSteam Spy Returns, But Not Really: Here's What Changed With The Sales Tracker For PC Gamesby Aaron Mamiit
CultureFacebook Revealed That It Is Reading Messages: Here's How People Are Freaking Outby Jean-Pierre Chigne
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'