CultureThe Internet Loves Detective Pikachu, And It Wants Danny DeVito To Voice Him Detective Pikachu needs an English voice actor, and the Internet knows just the man for the job. Pokémon is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, and Nintendo is pulling out all the stops to make it the franchise's biggest year Cameron Koch
TechA Year Of Mythical Pokémon: Here's A Complete List Of Special Pokémons And When You Can Download Themby Aaron Mamiit
TechPokémon Red, Blue And Yellow Won’t Let You Save Restore Points On 3DS Virtual Consoleby Dave Calpito
Tech'Pokkén Tournament' For Wii U: Here Are The Battle Pokémon And Support Pokémon You'll Seeby Aaron Mamiit
Culture'Pokémon' To Celebrate 20th Anniversary With Super Bowl Ad, Special Bundles And Moreby Rollin Bishop