ScienceOcean Plastic Pollution Costs The World $2.5 Trillion A Year A new study highlights how much marine plastic waste is impacting the world in tangible and intangible ways. It found that as much as $2.5 trillion is lost every year due to complications of such garbage entering the Earth's Ted Ranosa
ScienceBanned Chemicals Remain An Extinction Threat To Europe's Killer Whales And Dolphinsby Jim Algar
ScienceToxic Mud Flowing Down Brazilian River Reaches The Atlantic, Raises Pollution Fearsby Jim Algar
ScienceScientists Urge Ban On Ocean-Polluting Plastic Beads Common In Personal Care Productsby Jim Algar
Snapdragon 8 Elite Is Qualcomm's Answer to Apple's A18 Pro, Apple Intelligence, But Can It Rise Above?