Tech'Silver Sparrow:' New Malware Detected Poses Dangerous Threat to Intel and M1 Macs A suspicious malware identified as "Silver Sparrow" was detected from Intel and M1's macOS and is now on 30,000 laptops from the Cupertino-based tech Luis Smith
TechApple's $200 Credit Offer to Developers for M1 Mac In Exchange for Silicon DTK Receives Backlash: 'Extremely Poor'by Nikki A.
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TechHollywood Gives Thumbs Up to Apple's M1 Macs and Mac Minis as a Huge Potential Filmmakers Choiceby Urian B.
TechApple M1 Chip Vs Intel: Next-Gen Macs Will Be Way Better But With One BIG Disadvantage!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechWarning: New Mac Pro Might Not Be Powered by Apple's Arm-Family Chips Moving Away from Intelby Urian B.
TechApple Poised to Be the First to Use Eco-Friendly Laptops; Confirms Work with Carbon-Free Raw Material Suppliersby staff reporter
TechAnalyst Predicts Apple to Announce Year End Launch of Arm-based iMac, 13-inch MacBook Pro at WWDC 2020by CJ Robles
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'