TechNetflix Expands Services To Italy, Portugal, And Spain In October Netflix will be available in Portugal, Spain and Italy from October this year. Details about the price, programs and compatible devices in these countries will be revealed at a later Sumit Passary
ScienceBe 'Friends in Space' with Astronaut Cristoforetti As She Explores ISS and Space Espressoby James Maynard
Business TechItaly to Google: You've got 18 months to comply with new Internet data rulesby Robert Lawson
Healthy Living/WellnessDark chocolate for peripheral artery disease - are polyphenols the next new drug for PAD?by James Maynard
ScienceCyprian Plague traces found in Egypt: The apocalyptic plague nearly destroyed Romeby James Maynard
ScienceLavazza, Argotech-designed espresso machine will allow ISS astronauts to enjoy fresh brewed coffeeby James Maynard
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'