TechItalian Minister Criticizes Move to Ban ChatGPT Italy's deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini said the temporary ban on chatbot ChatGPT on privacy concerns was Trisha Kae Andrada
TechJapan Partners With Italy, and Britain to Develop a Next-Generation Fighter Planeby Jace Dela Cruz
TechUK Joins Japan and Italy in Tempest Alliance to Build Fighter Jet With Hypersonic Weaponryby Trisha Kae Andrada
TechItalian Automaker Lancia to Produce Three Electric Vehicles Starting in 2024, Rebrands as EV-Only Companyby Inno Flores
TechLoveITDetroit Metaverse Launches World-first Free Exhibition of Modern Italian Art to Celebrate First Anniversary of BeIT Campaignby Jessel Renolayan
TechRed Cat Holdings Subsidiary Skypersonic Demonstrates Remote-Piloted Drone at LoveITDetroit’s Aerospace Receptionby Jessel Thomas
TechTikTok Gets Warning from Italy for Wanting to Unleash Unwanted Targeted Ads Even Without Consentby Urian B.
TechIndustrial Plants Are Inspected by Skypersonic Drone Piloted From Across the Atlantic Ocean Via Cellphone Connection – A World Firstby Jessel Thomas
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'