CultureHow living near trees can save your life A study discovers that trees save lives and prevent acute respiratory illnesses not only by releasing oxygen, but also by removing over 17 tons of pollution from the air each Robin Burks
Healthy Living/WellnessDoctor personality wins over actual care provided when it comes to rating doctorsby Michael McEnaney
Business TechOz pummelled by lawmakers on health claims, TV health show host says he's also a victimby Mark Hawver
Healthy Living/Wellness37 percent of adults with autism manipulated, abused by people they trustby Lori Sandoval
Healthy Living/WellnessMajor U.S. insurers to publish health care prices for transparencyby Anne Francis
Healthy Living/WellnessWhen wife is seriously ill, risk of divorce of older couples rises: Studyby Lori Sandoval
Healthy Living/WellnessShocking! U.S. doctors reaped $77 bn from Medicare, South Florida ophthalmologist got $21 mnby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessDementia diagnosis push in Britain may lead to overdiagnosis: Studyby Maryanne Moll
Healthy Living/WellnessProstate cancer drug Xofigo not recommended by British authorities due to cost effectiveness issuesby Lori Sandoval
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'