TechFacebook Phishing Campaigns Now Use FB Quizzes To Fool Users! Here's How To Be Safe Facebook phishing campaigns are now becoming more rampant. Some of them are using FB quizzes to fool their Griffin Davis
TechFacebook Users Claim They've Been Locked Out of Their Account Because They Didn't Activate Facebook Protectby Sophie Webster
TechUK Anti-Scam Program Joined by Facebook, WhatsApp! Here's How These Apps Can Help 'Stop Scams UK' Movementby Griffin Davis
TechNintendo of America Ex-President Questions Facebook's Meta: 'Not an Innovative Company'by Urian B.
TechSanctioned Russian Facebook Accounts Still Used for Recruitment! Rumors Claim They Remain Activeby Griffin Davis
TechFacebook Group Admins Can Now 'Automatically Decline' Misleading Posts Identified by Third-Party Checkersby Joseph Henry
TechFacebook the 2021 Most Targeted Site by Phishing Scams! Around 14% of Fake Pages Copy FBby Griffin Davis
TechTikTok to Add Labels on its Platform for Selected ‘State-Controlled’ Media, Suspends Livestreaming and New Contentby Isaiah Richard