ScienceRat Trousers, Living Like A Badger And More: Here Are The 2016 Ig Nobel Prize Winners The Ig Nobel Prize has been recognizing eccentric projects since 1991. This year, it honored 10 works in various fields, ranging from the effects of trousers on rats and rock personalities to horsefly-proof horses and merits of collecting Dianne Depra
CultureKen Loach Film ‘I, Daniel Blake’ Takes On Welfare System, Wins Cannes Palme d'Orby Dianne Depra
ScienceOxford Professor Receives Abel Prize For Solving 300-Year-Old Mathematical Mysteryby Alyssa Navarro
ScienceNAS Award Winner Neil deGrasse Tyson Tweets 'That Dress' Isn't An Optical Illusion: It's 'Brain Failures'by James Maynard