Inscribed Ancient Slab Unearthed In Italy May Shed Light On Etruscan Religion, Culture Archeologists unearthed a piece of stone with ancient inscriptions. This could shed light on ancient Etruscan culture, religion and Angela Laguipo
ScienceScientists Unearth Perfectly Preserved 3,000-Year-Old Wooden Wheel In ‘British Pompeii’by Angela Laguipo
ScienceAncient Greek Statue With Laptop Complete With USB Ports Is Proof Of Time Travel: Conspiracy Theoristsby Katherine Derla
ScienceArchaeologists Discover 14,000 Year Old Engravings: Ice Age Discovery Could Be The Oldest Artwork In Britainby Katherine Derla
Science10,000-Year-Old Stone Tools Unearthed in Seattle: What These Reveal About Ancient Humansby Rina Marie Doctor
ScienceBering Strait Artifacts Reveal Trade Between Asia And The New World Centuries Before Columbusby James Maynard
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'