TechConfirmed: Apple Throttles iPhone Performance, But Not For The Reason You Think It's now confirmed that iPhones slow down as they age, but it's to avoid random shutdown issues, and not to force users to upgrade. However, the fact remains: Apple is throttling Vincent Lanaria
TechApple Solves iPhone X Supply Shortage: Next-Day Delivery, Same-Day Pickup Now Availableby Aaron Mamiit
TechDon't Buy 'Cuphead' For iOS, It's Fake: Apple Working On Removing It From The App Storeby Alexandra Burlacu
TechNo, You Won’t Be Able To Buy AirPods This Holiday Season, So Here Are Some Alternativesby Carl Velasco
TechiPhone X Untethered Jailbreak On iOS 11.2.1 Achieved By Alibaba Security Researchersby Aaron Mamiit
TechSiri, Shush! Apple Patent Suggests Siri May Detect If You’re Whispering, And It’ll Whisper Backby Carl Velasco
TechApple Pours $390 Million In US-Made iPhone Laser Tech, Creating 500 Jobs In The Processby Alexandra Burlacu