TechWhat You Should Know To Stay Safe From Meltdown, Spectre CPU Security Flaws Meltdown and Spectre are whipping the industry into a frenzy. Before you go into full panic mode, here are four things you need to know to at least keep your devices relatively safe from the CPU security Vincent Lanaria
TechApple Seeds Third Beta Of iOS 11.2.5: Siri Gets Biggest Update In Latest Releaseby William Cannon
TechAmazon And Google Likely Lost Money On Discounts To Home Assistants During Holiday Seasonby Jean-Pierre Chigne
TechApple: All Macs And iOS CPUs Affected By Meltdown, Spectre Chip Flaws, But Security Patches Are Comingby John Diente
TechHow Do You Know If Your iPhone Needs A New Battery Or Is Being Throttled? Here's Howby Vincent Lanaria