TechA Television AD That Criticizes How Mark Zuckerberg Handles Misinformation and Hate Speech Set To Air During 2020 VP Debate A television advertisement will air during the 2020 US vice presidential debate. This ad attacks how Facebook's handles misinformation and Giuliano J. de Leon
TechTop 5 Best CRM Software For All Your Small Business Needs This 2020 That You Can Try For Free!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechSpotify's 'Soundtrap Capture' Could Be A Perfect App This 2020 As It Allows Musicians to Collaborate While Practicing Social Distancingby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechOld Instagram Stories Are Now Easier to Find, Thanks to App's New Private 'Stories Map'by Giuliano J. de Leon
TechElon Musk Slams Europe for "Subsidizing Pollution" As Study Shows Most of $37.7 Billion Subsidies Are Spent on Petrol and Diesel Enginesby CJ Robles
TechSatellite Images Reveal One of the Largest and Deepest Ozone Holes in the Antarctic in the Last 15 Yearsby CJ Robles
TechFacebook Leaks Defense Against FTC's Antitrust Enforcement and Break-up—Instagram and WhatsApp Are too Integrated to Splitby Isaiah Alonzo
TechInstagram Account Fools Hotels By Using Stolen Credit Cards, Leading To A Nationwide Scamby Giuliano J. de Leon