TechBEWARE: 1,000 Data on Lenovo are Wiped Off by Hackers, and Now Blackmailing Users for $200-$275 Ransoms to Return Data Old LenovoEMC NAS devices are currently targeted by a group of hackers known is "Cl0ud SecuritY." They are asking $200 to $275 ransom in exchange of stolen Giuliano J. de Leon
TechRansomware: Netwalker Cybercriminal Gang Extorts $1.14M From University in the Midst of Finding a COVID-19 Cureby Nhx T.
TechSEC Warns Investors From Dealing With iBSmartify Nigeria Cryptocurrency; Here's Whyby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechBEWARE: China's Power Equipment Could Trigger Electricity Grid Failure: India Will Inspect for Malwareby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech[HACKERS] Unpatched Windows Vulnerabilities Targeted by 'Lucifer': New Malware Capable of DDoS Attacks and Cryptojackingby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech[SCAM] Viral Face Mask Exempt Card is Totally Fake, DOJ Clarifies; Here's What You Should Doby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech[HACKER] $200 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency Stolen by CryptoCore Hacker Targetting Cryptocurrency Exchangesby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechInnocent Black Man Gets Arrested and Taken Mug Shots; Thanks to Failed Facial Recognitionby Jamie P.